Getting My Makeup Professionally Done

I absolutely adore makeup.
I love the way it makes me feel and the confidence it brings me.

I wear lite makeup most days, especially if I am working.
My everyday morning "quick" routine consists of primer, foundation, concealer, eye shadow, blush, mascara and ALL the highlighter. I am not exaggerating. If my glow can not be seen from the space station, I reapply. 

I decided to get my makeup done this weekend for a comedy show that my sister and I went to (future blog, coming soon). I have had it done before by Candace, so I did go in with an idea of what to expect. My sister, Corey had not. She was feeling nervous but excited!

I picked her up and we headed to get caffeine at a local coffee shop in the downtown Joplin, Mo. Corey ordered a Mohogany Coffee for herself and Candace. I actually don't care for coffee (I know, I know. Criminal!) but I do drink tea so I grabbed a Chai tea latte and gave Corey my chocolate covered coffee bean.

We drove to Candace's apartment. She lives on the 3rd floor of the building. I am embarrassed to admit that I was breathing a bit hard for a 27 year old after that last flight of stairs..!

We walked up to the door and knocked. Nobody answered so I knocked louder. Still nothing. I called Candace and she informed me that she was actually one apartment over. I was knocking on the WRONG person's door. Would you expect any less from this hot mess?

I finally got to the right house. It was absolutely adorable and had the chance to meet Candace, her sweet and friendly puppy Knox, her very manfriend Jack, a cat that wanted nothing to do with me and a bunny! THEY HAVE A BUNNY! It was so fluffy, I could've died!

We chatted a bit and then Candace asked us to go wash our faces off in the bathroom. I used a peppermint scrub that made my face tingly and a yummy lip scrub that tasted amazing! Next we headed to her work area that she had set up with gorgeous palettes, brushes and all the amazing products she was going to use to glam us up!

Corey went first and got a really pretty natural look with rosy eyes, glamorous lashes and a pretty nude lip! Swoon!

My favorite part of getting my makeup done is of course the girl talk. We all had a blast listening to bubbly music and getting to know each other better. We spent the whole time complimenting each other and really boosting one another up! I LIVE for this kind of girl gang LOVE!

I wanted to go a bit extra and get a full glam complete with dramatic eyes and a BIG set of Tori Belle lashes! It took roughly 3 hours for both of us to get finished and the end result was FABULOUS! I felt like a complete 10/10! 

So in closing, I definitely recommend going and getting your makeup done before going out to an event or getting pictures done. As women, we can be really hard on ourselves. That voice of doubt can start to get really loud and start to drown out the real truth: You are beautiful. You are a warrior. YOU ARE LOVED.

Taken at the hotel, right before we went out!

Even if makeup is not your thing, that is completely fine. Find a girlfriend/sister/girl tribe that will support you and don't forget to be the girl that supports others. Women provide a kind of understanding that is so valuable to your life!

CHALLENGE: Reach out to one woman today and tell her something you admire about her. I promise, you will make her day! <3

Kendra B.

Info about Candace to check out some more of her work:
Instagram: Artistry Couture By Candace
Facebook: Candace MUA


  1. Love the coffee at JACC! I know you two had a blast & I can’t wait to read more about it!


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